Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bill Grogan's Goat

A note to my mom - don't read this post.

Whenever we visit our friends Eric and Zelda, Drew is always treated to songs by Zelda, who teaches elementary school.  My favorite song that she sings with Drew is called Bill Grogan's Goat, and tells of the demise of a shirt-eating goat.  It is sung 1/2 line at a time, and repeated by the child.  This is the tune.

Bill Grogan's goat, was feeling fine.
Ate three red shirts, right off the line.

Bill took a stick, gave him a whack,
And tied him to, the railroad track.

The whistle blew, the train grew nigh; 
Bill Grogan's goat, was sure to die. 

He gave a moan, of mortal pain, 
Coughed up those shirts, and flagged that train. 

The Engineer, got out to see, 
What in the world, this thing could be. 

And when he saw, a wooly goat, 
Pulled out his knife, and cut its throat. 

Now this old goat is surely dead, 
He went to heaven, without a head. 

When he got there, St. Peter said, 
'My dear old goat, where is your head?' 

I do not know, I can not tell, 
I think it rolled, down to hell.

We substitute hell for something else, but Drew sure enjoys the song.  I'll have to record it next time we see Zelda and put it on his ipod.  It's crude and violent, but I'm sure he'll be singing worse by the time he's in second grade.  Zelda says her dad used to sing it to her when she was little as she went to bed, and now she's a teacher.  How much damage can it possibly do?

1 comment:

J.J. said...

I remember that song from my childhood, but I think we only went as far as the goat coughing up the shirts and flagging down the train. Which would have been a victory for the goat. But perhaps I have selective memory.