So, after 2 years of torturing me via various means, Amy's old laser printer finally gave up on us. This is after doing things like refusing to work with postscript drivers, not sharing itsself over the network nicely, fighting with my network USB print servers, and generally being a big pain in the butt. Amy was feeding cardstock through it and decided that it wasn't going to print anymore. I cursed it, and vowed to replace it with something better. Lo and behold, Craigslist is a mecca for used printers. I found a used Laserjet 2200 dn for $40, got it working on the network that very night, and successfully printed easily from 2 PC's and a mac. To top it off, I threw the dead printer up on craigslist and scored a cool $20 off it. How cool is that?
Ice cave
6 years ago
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