that you should drive it for even the most mundane errands, including a grocery run. It did look a little odd, though, and it didn't fit in my viewfinder except diagonally.
(Rich) I normally leave people alone, but along with having a fancy car, this guy parked in a freshly painted handicapped spot. On the way into the store, I checked his rearview mirror and license plate for a placard, and there was none. On my way out of the store, this guy was carrying a bag of groceries back to his car, putting them into the trunk. I asked him if he knew it was a handicapped spot, a rhetorical question. He responded that since there was no placard in the spot, it most certainly was not a handicapped spot.
I hope someone else slashes his tires. I'm not hating, it was a beautiful car, but it's not a license to do what you like.