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The sink was exactly his size. He was very excited to be able to wash his hands without a boost.
His new favorite treat.
I'm not sure what it is
At apple hill
Drew hunts intently for tractors in the Tahoe area. Be very, very, quiet.
At heavenly village
I taught Drew an alternate term for gondola. We're going to ride it.
Wearing sunglasses and eating popcorn.
Almost there.
About 20 miles to go.
Drew and Riddick get ready for a big day.
We fed them bread and in n out leftovers. Drew counted 23 ducks, but his numbers past 20 generally lack precision.
Like a modern day mother Theresa.
During the procedure, her eye is displayed on a monitor. It's staring at me!
Well, under the laser, at least. It took several tries to dialate her eyes, hopefully it worked this time.
He meets an older woman and puts on the moves.
Outside the eye dr office.
Naps both days this weekend. He rests up on the weekends so he can stay awake at daycare during the week.
They were shooting a wedding couple at union square. Drew thought the bride was a princess.
Drew was too scared of the gorilla to stand by him, so he took a picture of me instead.
It took him a while to agree to pose for a shot. At macy's at union square.
We just ate mexican and were on our way to sf.
Drew points out the good deals while grocery shopping.
On the way home. Look close to see tower bridge up.
His favorite thing.
There were emergency vehicles all over where i park, i thought someone had lit my car on fire. No such luck, everything was fine.
This is what happens when amy helps him get dressed.
It's pants season again. :(
I take advantage of the train to cross the street because traffic has to stop when the guards drop. As i was getting ready to cross, some dude whips around the guards and crosses the tracks. If a train had been coming from the other direction, he'd be dead in front of me. Real bright.
We marvelled at the layers.
Today's flavor is enhanced with metal shavings. She cut them out, though.
Drew's bubble-mowed lawn is the green groomed envy of the neighborhood.
The neighbors cut down an entire forest and left it in front of our place. Drew surveys the pile.
More bubble mower action.
I really like this one.
Maybe. Cruising at Ikea.
That one? Yes, this one right here!
I'm pretty sure he was there when i took the picture. They're working overtime in the back yard to bury nuts in amy's planters.
He fell and hurt his lip, so a little ice cream helps with the swelling.
The only bad past about riding the train is that you eventually have to get off.